local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local player = owner or game:GetService("Players"):WaitForChild("Detomiks") local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") local function c(a) local n = Instance.new(a[1]) for i, v in next, a do if i ~= 1 then n[i] = v end end return n end local base = c{"SpawnLocation", Material = Enum.Material.Neon, Color = Color3.new(), CFrame = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 2, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, -180, 0), Locked = true, Enabled = false, CanCollide = false, CanTouch = false, Anchored = true, Size = Vector3.new(16, 9, .5), Parent = script} local surface = c{"SurfaceGui", ClipsDescendants = true, LightInfluence = 0, ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling, CanvasSize = Vector2.new(1920, 1080), Parent = base} local biostext = c{"TextBox", Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0), BackgroundTransparency = 1, ZIndex = -1000000, Name = "BIOSTEXT", TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Bottom, ClearTextOnFocus = false, TextEditable = false, ShowNativeInput = false, Active = false, Selectable = false, ClipsDescendants = true, TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), Font = Enum.Font.RobotoMono, TextSize = 24, Text = "", Parent = surface} biostext.Text = "Detomiks's Console. Version 6.0. Type a command, then follow with a quoted value. Type \"help()\" as a value to get a list of commands." local publicvalues = {} local vals = {} local cmds = {} surface.DescendantAdded:Connect(function() wait() surface.Parent = nil wait() surface.Parent = base end) local function request(command, value) local response = HttpService:RequestAsync{ Url = "https://OS2.lisphm.repl.co", Method = "POST", Headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json" }, Body = HttpService:JSONEncode{command, value} } if response.Success then return HttpService:JSONDecode(response.Body)["1"] else return end end local function virtualizeFunction(value, env, addnormalenvironment, guiholder) if not env then env = {} end env.guiholder = guiholder for i, v in next, publicvalues do env[i] = v end if addnormalenvironment then setmetatable(env, {__index = getfenv(0)}) end local func = loadstring(value) if func then setfenv(func, env) return func, guiholder end return end local function writebiostext(text) biostext.Text = biostext.Text .. "\n" .. text end -- Public functions local originalproperties = HttpService:JSONDecode(request("request replit file", "/OriginalProperties.json")) publicvalues.pool = {} publicvalues.create = function(a) local objectinpool local creatednew = false for i, v in next, publicvalues.pool do if v.ClassName == a[1] then objectinpool = v table.remove(publicvalues.pool, i) break end end local function new(classname) creatednew = true return Instance.new(classname) end local n = objectinpool or new(a[1]) if creatednew then for i, v in next, originalproperties do if n:IsA(i) then for _, a in next, v do pcall(function() if n[a] then if typeof(n[a]) == "EnumItem" then n:SetAttribute("_"..tostring(n[a].EnumType).."_"..a, n[a].Name) else n:SetAttribute(a, n[a]) end end end) end end end else for i, v in next, n:GetAttributes() do local enumtype = string.match(i, "%b__") if enumtype then n[string.gsub(i, enumtype, "")] = Enum[string.gsub(enumtype, "_", "")][v] else pcall(function() n[i] = v end) end end end for i, v in next, a do if i ~= 1 then n[i] = v end end return n end publicvalues.remove = function(object) object.Parent = nil table.insert(publicvalues.pool, object) for _, v in next, object:GetDescendants() do v.Parent = nil table.insert(publicvalues.pool, v) end end publicvalues.requiresdk = function(sdkname) local sdkcode = request("request replit file", "/SDK/"..sdkname) local func = loadstring(sdkcode) setfenv(func, vals) return func() end publicvalues.screen = surface publicvalues.player = player publicvalues.request = request publicvalues.mousepos = Vector2.new() publicvalues.threads = {} publicvalues.exec = virtualizeFunction -- BIOS values vals.follow = true vals.help = function() writebiostext("\nAll commands: type state\n------------------------------------------------------------") for i, v in next, vals do writebiostext(i.. (function() local spaces = "" for n = 20, string.len(i), -1 do spaces = spaces .. " " end return spaces end)().. type(v).. (function() local spaces = "" for n = 20, string.len(type(v)), -1 do spaces = spaces .. " " end return spaces end)().. ((type(v) == "function" or type(v) == "table" or type(v) == "userdata") and "[HIDDEN]" or tostring(v))) end writebiostext("\n") end vals.clear = function() biostext.Text = "" end vals.execpkg = function(packagename) writebiostext("Requesting package: \"" .. packagename .. "\"...") local response = request("request replit file", "/Packages/"..packagename) local holder = Instance.new("Folder", surface) holder.Name = packagename local func, guiholder = virtualizeFunction(response, vals, true, holder) publicvalues.threads[packagename] = {task.defer(func), guiholder} if func then writebiostext("Package executed successfully.") end end vals.exec = virtualizeFunction vals.listthreads = function() writebiostext("\nAll currently running threads:\n------------------------------------------------------------") for i, v in next, publicvalues.threads do writebiostext(i) end end vals.cancelthread = function(thread) if publicvalues.threads[thread] then local v = publicvalues.threads[thread] task.cancel(v[1]) if v[2] then for _, v in next, v[2]:GetChildren() do publicvalues.remove(v) end v[2]:Destroy() end publicvalues.threads[thread] = nil writebiostext("Successfully cancelled thread: \""..thread.."\"") end end vals.renamethread = function(thread, newname) if publicvalues.threads[thread] then publicvalues.threads[newname] = publicvalues.threads[thread] publicvalues.threads[thread] = nil writebiostext("Successfully renamed thread: \""..thread.."\" to \""..newname.."\"") end end vals.cancelallthreads = function() for i, v in next, publicvalues.threads do pcall(function() task.cancel(v[1]) if v[2] then for _, v in next, v[2]:GetChildren() do publicvalues.remove(v) end v[2]:Destroy() end publicvalues.threads[i] = nil writebiostext("Cancelled: " .. i) end) end end vals.client = owner and NLS(request("request replit file", "/client.lua"), player.PlayerGui) or script["client.lua"] vals.client.Parent = player.PlayerGui publicvalues.remote = c{"RemoteEvent", Name = "Remote", Parent = vals.client} -- Console values cmds.console = function(value) local func = virtualizeFunction(value, vals, true) local nextnumber = 1 for i, v in next, publicvalues.threads do nextnumber = nextnumber + 1 end publicvalues.threads["thread"..nextnumber] = {task.defer(func)} end -- Events player.Chatted:Connect(function(message) for name, func in next, cmds do local prefix = string.sub(message, 1, 1) if prefix == ">" then local commandname = string.sub(message, 2, string.len(name) + 1) if commandname == name then local value = string.gsub(string.match(message, "%b\"\"") or "", "\"", "") writebiostext(prefix .. " " .. commandname .. " \"" .. value .. "\"") func(value) end end end end) publicvalues.remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, command, ...) if command == "MouseMove" then local hit, target = ... if target == base then local diff = base.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(hit) local fixeddiff = -(diff.Position - Vector3.new(base.Size.X/2, base.Size.Y/2, 0)) if math.round(fixeddiff.Z * 100)/100 == base.Size.Z / 2 then publicvalues.mousepos = Vector2.new(math.round(fixeddiff.X / base.Size.X * surface.CanvasSize.X), math.round(fixeddiff.Y / base.Size.Y * surface.CanvasSize.Y)) end end script:SetAttribute("mousepos", publicvalues.mousepos) end end) RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() if vals.follow then base.CFrame = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 2, -10) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(180), 0) end end)